When I am not harassing flaggers or keeping the world up to date on Twitter and Facebook, I am engaged in an experiment in what I am calling aggregate imagery narrative, which is actually just a fancy schmancy way of saying that I am telling a story with a collection of pictures.
My medium for this experiment, as I noted a while back, is Pinterest. So far the site is gaining some traction, generating enthusiasm, and driving traffic to the Cosmic America blog. Success, success, success. The Pinterest experiment is working exactly like I planned - and as an interesting insight, visitors seem most drawn to the pictures that include a relevant quote.
So far, I have included several boards - arranged in chronological order, with a few others arranged thematically (monuments, museums, etc). Within the next couple of months, I should have a comprehensive story assembled. For now, and much to my irritation, Pinterest does not allow one to rearrange pictures within a board - so, for example, pictures on the 1863 board may suffer from a lack of narrative integrity. I am hoping that this will soon be fixed. For now - I'll let people figure things out for themselves. I would like to get more people involved - check my site out and let me know what you think...suggestions are welcome.
One more quick thing - while Office Hours has been on something of a sabbatical, its popularity has yet to subside, and questions continue to find me. To facilitate this process in anticipation of a planned increase in video segments (you can check Youtube for prior episodes) I have created a question form located at the right of this post - under the chat box. So fire at will my friends - with all your Civil War inquiries! I am looking forward to your questions.
PS - speaking of the chat box. Like I always say - consistency is key. I notice that the chat feature lights up an the most unexpected times - and I cannot always answer. In the next few days, I will figure out some regular chat time, post a schedule, and announce it on Twitter and Facebook.
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