It turns out that Cosmic America has readers from all walks of life, who hold dear all kinds of world views. I discovered this morning that the author of the blog Occidental Dissent has a few issues with yours truly. For those of you not familiar with this blog - its mission seems to be 1) The preservation of western race and culture against what the author terms a "black run Amerika" and 2) A dedication to a neo-Confederate opposition to anything resembling Yankeedom.
First things first - thanks OD for helping spread the Cosmic America message - I have a sneaking suspicion that your readers will disagree with me but hey, you never know. For your readers, I just wanted to provide a little biographical information to set the record straight about this whole "Yankee" thing.
I was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1967. My ancestors were from northern Alabama (Lawrence County) and fought for the Confederacy with the 16th Alabama Infantry and the 27th Georgia Infantry. I moved to California in the 1970s. So - I am not what most people would consider a Yankee, but thanks anyway for the compliment. Oh, and yes...I do sometimes wear purple sunglasses and yes...I have been to Compton many times but have never had my ass kicked.
For my readers, I would like to direct you to the comment section of of the OD post. Wow!! This is quite a display of anger. These guys sort of leave the "Heritage not Hate" groups behind - a loooong way behind. For the record, I have spoken with a lot of people in the Sons of Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Confederate reenactors, and other heritage groups who are appalled by this sort of racist agenda coupled with twenty-first century support for the Confederate cause. I wind up disagreeing with the SCV members on just about everything else, but most (not all...but most) agree that carrying forward virulent racist hatred is a bad idea.
Peace and well wishes (to all)
ReplyDeleteWow! It's true that slime does sink to the lowest level. Amazing when you think all of the dinosaurs must be extinct and that this is the 21st century, but, its also true that we get a small number of throwbacks who thinks the past is present, and even the future.
Glad you got a failing grade from this bunch and hope you will always be on their 'bad' side.
Dana Point sucks ever since they built the seawall for the yacht harbor and ruined one of Orange Counties best big wave surf spots.
ReplyDeleteRudel - I am not a surfer but I hear that Dana Point used to be THE spot. Sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the note, Neil - the author of the OD attack, Hunter Wallace, wrote a follow-up entry pretty much laying out his racist philosophy.
ReplyDeleteHi Keith,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to say that I found my way over here from OD and read around your site a bit. I agree with you on many things! I don't.
Thanks for the comment YT - I run across people who disagree with me all the time. You are certainly not the first. The find the racist hate spewing on that site disturbing to say the least. Do you disagree with me on that point?
ReplyDeleteMy website's best day this year was the day Michael Savage denounced it. At least the crazies build your page views.
ReplyDeleteNot really. I don't consider it hate because hate implies an irrational dislike and desire of bodily harm. What I see at OD is mostly a rational desire to be separated, or at least not influenced, by an ideology one disagrees with. The history of forcing the diversity scam on us has left some more bitter than others. Much of the "hate" is really hyperbole born of this frustration.
Personally, I think most of us would be happy to leave the blacks and jews alone if they leave us alone. I would even trade and fraternize with those other groups, but at the end of the day I want to live among and be in a social contract with like-minded whites only. That is hardly hate, but the desire to work with instead of ignore self-evident differences in races and cultures.
The fact that you're from the South doesn't really matter. The great majority of Americans are not Yankees in the strict sense that they live in New England, are descended from Puritans, and eat apple pie for breakfast, but the ideas of the strictly-defined Yankees influence most us more than those of our own ancestors. Who do you identify with, agree with, or relate to more: John C Calhoun or William Lloyd Garrison? George Fitzhugh or Ralph Waldo Emerson? If you could meet your ancestors they would probably think you're a douchebag, and the feeling would be mutual.
ReplyDeleteThe views that Hunter attributes to Yankees are taught in schools and pushed by the media, so it's not uncommon for a southern redneck or other non-liberal to go to college and come back acting like a Yankee, or watch a lot of TV and internalize its messages.
So there you have it. It seems that white separatists do not like me. Fine. I am officially closing comments from this group as of now (I have already deleted some of the really hateful ones that used offensive language). I don't really feel the need to engage with those who preach hatred (fear?) anyway...there's really nothing to talk about. I do find it amusing that the people commenting here and elsewhere have made grand assumptions about me personally. They have plenty to say about my character (based solely on the fact that I wear purple sunglasses) on their own site - so I will keep it off of mine. If you want to catch up on all the name-calling, anti gay, anti-Semitic, anti-black, anti pretty much everything else except white men - you can follow the links on this blog post.
ReplyDeleteYou can tell a lot about a man by who he chooses as his friends -- but perhaps more by those who declare themselves his enemies. Seems like you hit the jackpot. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteThanks Andy - you initial reaction was to answer each personal attack - but then I figured I had better things to do with my time :)
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to admit that I've also made a number of assumptions about your purple sunglasses. :-)
ReplyDeleteHA! Very funny :) I would be happy to send you a pair....only $9 on Hollywood Blvd - they come in yellow and orange as well.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Andy - I really like the image at the top right of Dead Confederates :)
ReplyDeleteYou DO have much better things to do with your time than respond to mindless insults of those who are so in fear of the future. We cannot escape history, nor can we retreat to a Fortress America and ignore the rest of the planet we call home. We are way past that nonsense, but what is even more worrisome is the idea that we can somehow escape groups of faiths and peoples within our own borders. One had hoped that nonsense and stupidity had died at Appomattox. Fear of the future, that's the key to understanding such folks, and their willingness to bury their heads and souls in the sand of the failed past.
Keep posting your views and your good humor and you will help others make their way into a future of hope, based on actual history, not the failed kind.
ReplyDeleteThe New York Times didn't seem that opposed to the creation of South Sudan or Kosovo or Montenegro. The European Union is dying before our eyes. It is going the way of the Soviet Union.
Why is it unreasonable to advocate a similar dissolution of the United States? You make it sound like this a far fetched scenario. In reality, Congress has about a 9 percent approval rating, at least 25 percent of Americans believe that secession is a likely future scenario, and around 50 percent of Americans consider the federal government a threat to their freedom.
Racial attitudes are hardening. In The New York Times, you can read about the racialization of the Republican Party and Democrats explicitly abandoning the White working class..
Never before in American political history has White America been as pessimistic as it is today. Having seen the collapse of the USSR and the imminent collapse of the EU, progressives cling to the delusion that history moves in their direction.
It doesn't.
ReplyDeleteI was just ribbing you about the purple sunglasses. Seriously, it must be a California thing.
Mr. Wallace,
ReplyDeleteUnlike you, I have faith in the goodness of my country and my fellow countrymen to do the right thing and to endure the frightened rants and views of those who would not know the true nature of their country if it bit them.