Digressing from my usual commentary on things that happened during the Civil War era, I thought I would take a minute to let you know about Movember - men around the world are rockin' moustaches to raise awareness for men's health issues - such as prostate and testicular cancer.
No, your town has not suddenly been invaded by hordes of Civil War reenactors, just a bunch of blokes raising money for a good cause. Naturally, an advocate of better living through just being plain healthy, I am on board. I started growing mine on November 1st - according to the rules - and it is already shaping up nicely. You can bet I will have pictures posted as the month progresses.
If you would like to donate to this glorious cause or even join Team Cosmic America and help raise money (donations go to the Lance Armstrong foundation, LiveSTRONG and the Prostate Cancer Foundation) you can click HERE. I will be forever grateful!
In case you were wondering, the Civil War soldier pictured is Confederate general Robert E. Rodes (killed in action outside of Winchester in September, 1864) He sported a rather tremendous stache indeed. I hope to equal it.
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