It turns out that Cosmic America has readers from all walks of life, who hold dear all kinds of world views. I discovered this morning that the author of the blog Occidental Dissent has a few issues with yours truly. For those of you not familiar with this blog - its mission seems to be 1) The preservation of western race and culture against what the author terms a "black run Amerika" and 2) A dedication to a neo-Confederate opposition to anything resembling Yankeedom.
First things first - thanks OD for helping spread the Cosmic America message - I have a sneaking suspicion that your readers will disagree with me but hey, you never know. For your readers, I just wanted to provide a little biographical information to set the record straight about this whole "Yankee" thing.
I was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1967. My ancestors were from northern Alabama (Lawrence County) and fought for the Confederacy with the 16th Alabama Infantry and the 27th Georgia Infantry. I moved to California in the 1970s. So - I am not what most people would consider a Yankee, but thanks anyway for the compliment. Oh, and yes...I do sometimes wear purple sunglasses and yes...I have been to Compton many times but have never had my ass kicked.
For my readers, I would like to direct you to the comment section of of the OD post. Wow!! This is quite a display of anger. These guys sort of leave the "Heritage not Hate" groups behind - a loooong way behind. For the record, I have spoken with a lot of people in the Sons of Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Confederate reenactors, and other heritage groups who are appalled by this sort of racist agenda coupled with twenty-first century support for the Confederate cause. I wind up disagreeing with the SCV members on just about everything else, but most (not all...but most) agree that carrying forward virulent racist hatred is a bad idea.
Peace and well wishes (to all)