Here's a little slice of my day for anyone interested. Today I went to one of my favorite restaurants in Hollywood - Birds on Franklin Ave. They have a killer pressed chicken pesto sandwich that I highly recommend. Anyway, two doors down is Counterpoint records and books. I make it a point to go there after every Birds lunch and I generally find something good. Today I found McClellan's (selected) correspondence. Not a rare book by any definition of the term but one that I did not have in my library. So I snapped it up for next to nothing and called it a win.
Okay - on to other things. There is a lot on the horizon for Cosmic America - so stay tuned!
I go to Book Revue in Huntington on Long Island, which often has ORR volumes for 5 bucks.
ReplyDeleteHave a happy holiday Keith.
I came across a copy of 'Tombee: Portrait of a Cotton Planter. With the Plantation Journal of Thomas B. Chaplin (1822-1890)', a book I never heard of before in a used book store. It was an interesting look at the banality of evil.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to know what McClellan really thought, I think it would cement his place as a national joke.
Same to you, Pat - have a fantastic holiday!
ReplyDeleteFrankly - I think it is safe to say that George B. McClellan was a real piece of work.