Greetings Cosmic Americans!
Well, I never really thought there was such a thing as a $14 burger and fries. But since I have been going to Go Burger on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood I have changed my tune. And if you are feeling adventurous, they also boast an assortment of "adult" milkshakes - my favorite is made with chocolate and tequila (naturally). And yes I know that eating like this is not particularly good for me (or anyone, for that matter), but I like to indulge from time to time. Whatever, I run marathons.
My question is this: what Civil War battlefield would you most like to visit - and of course, I would like to know why. Mine is Gettysburg. I have spoken about it often here on Cosmic America. To me, that is the best place to get a healthy dose of history and memory all in one. I never miss a chance to to go!
PS - click HERE for a little snippet from my last Gettysburg trip.
I visit Gettysburg the most due my close proximity and I always enjoy it. However, I spent 4 hours in Vicksburg last year and I think of it often. I hope to make it back out there and spend several days exploring. The terrain is vast and the trenches are overwhelming. There are also so many prominent characters like Sherman and Grant.
ReplyDeleteI have never managed to get to any of the battlefields, but I would love to visit Franklin, not only to see places like the Carter House but also witness the efforts being made locally to reclaim portions of the battlefield.
ReplyDeleteDamien - you really need to come on over some day and take a Civil War tour. Standing on a battlefield changes your entire perspective! And... you will really enjoy yourself.
ReplyDeleteScott - I have never been to Vicksburg - but it is on the list. And of course, I will go to Gettysburg any time! I love it there. Thanks for the comment :)
ReplyDeleteI need to see more, but I'd like to go back to Gettysburg...perhaps avoid getting ticks while walking Pickett's Charge (ack!) and instead spend a bit more time at the National Cemetery. I'm especially drawn to sit quietly amongst the unknowns. The thought that many family members were never able to locate their loved ones breaks my heart.
ReplyDeleteI would like to revisit Franklin as well, as there's some personal family history there.