Greetings Cosmic Americans!
As you might have guessed, I read a hellofalot of blogs on the Civil War. Many, many of them are thoughtful, helpful, useful, you name it - they are just damn good.
So I thought it would be a good idea to feature some of my favorites right here on Cosmic America. Today I am talking about Civil War Books and Authors. I suppose it is pretty obvious what this blog is about (there is something to be said for a clear and concise title). But CWBaA is more than just a listing of the latest out there. There is much more going on here.
CWBaA provides insightful reviews, humorous notes here and there, and a comprehensive collection of links that any Civil War scholar, buff, enthusiast or whatever will find invaluable.
The site is fully searchable so you should have no trouble at all finding what you are looking for. There are nearly 1000 posts dating back to 2005. Be sure to subscribe and or bookmark this one because it is updated frequently!
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Keith Harris and Robin , Craig Swain. Craig Swain said: RT @MKeithHarris: And a Few Great Blogs Will Rise To the Top [...]
ReplyDeleteThanks, Keith. I'm glad you are enjoying your visits and find them useful.
You are quite welcome, Drew. I really appreciate blogs of the quality you provide...keep it rockin'!!!!!