Greetings Cosmic Americans!
Last night, Live and Unfiltered featured the Port Royal Experiment - what some scholars have called a "rehearsal for Reconstruction." And what a rehearsal it was! To check out last night's episode, click HERE.
I think wartime Reconstruction is often glossed over in Civil War classes (as is the big event during 1865-1877) but that's just me. Fans of my show will be happy to know that I plan on covering Reconstruction thoroughly. Why?? Becuase it's important dammit!
And if you don't believe me - just check any newspaper from the period. Reconstruction was on people's minds.
Now...since you have watched the Port Royal episode (or are about to), those of you paying attention probably noticed that I mentioned a couple of books. Read them - you'll be better off for it.
Rehearsal for Reconstruction: The Port Royal Experiment by Willie Lee Rose
Roll Jordan Roll: The World the Slaves Made by Eugene D. Genovese
[...] $20 per month for first-year female teachers, $30 for men. In what came to be known as the “Port Royal Experiment,” many of the New Englanders came with little preparation or training. “They had, in [...]